A Balanced Inner and Outer Life by Rodney Howard Browne

Rodney Howard Browne shows us a man below the canyon

The Bible is stuffed with references to water. From the creation account where we read that “the Spirit of God was moving over the outer surface of the waters” ( Genesis twelve ), all of the way to the last chapter of Revelation where we’re told of “a brook of the water of life, clear as crystal” that’s flowing from God’s throne ( Revelation 22:1 ), we find masses of occasions where water is discussed in the Scriptures. Because water plays such a big part thru so many scenes found in the Bible, it shouldn’t be surprising to us that water is critical to our well-being and health. It not only cleans our bodies from impurities, it refreshes and satisfies us when we are parched.

But we must not overlook a spiritual dimension. So my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Do those words express your feelings? Do you end up parched for a deeper relationship with the living God? Has your world become seared and barren, leaving you like that deer, puffing for the kind of water that may satisfy your soul? Jesus once made a statement that is worth heavy consideration : “If anyone is parched, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture declared, ‘From his innermost being will flow brooks of living water'” ( John 7:37-38 ).

    Be certain that you do not overlook the significance of “living water” in your inner life as you become aware about the price of water in your physical body. People who hope to be fit to serve God need to keep both in balance.

Before you move on with your day, pause and contemplate this : am I giving acceptable time and attention to the cultivation of my inner life? If not, what changes are required to bring my inner life and my outer life into balance?