Take Command by Rodney Howard Browne

Rodney Howard Browne shows us a man below the canyon

Behind the great crisis of Saul’s life is a particularly fascinating analogy—an analogy between Saul’s death and Christ’s death.

At first impression we would say, “What in the world would we find common to both Saul and Christ?” in fact there are 6 analogies worth pointing out. First, Saul’s death seemed to be the end of all countrywide hope. When Saul died, many of us must have thought that is the end of Israel. The Philistines will certainly conquer us now.

In a corresponding way, Christ’s death seemed to be the end of all countrywide and religious hope. 2nd , with Saul’s death it appeared the enemy had won the final victory. When Christ died, it seemed as if the rival of our souls had won. He must have strutted all over the gates of hell declaring, “The victory is mine.

3rd , Saul’s death paved the way for an entirely new plan of operation and heralded David’s kingly line, which led straight to the Messiah. When Jesus Christ died, a completely new operation moved into action and set in motion our great deliverance. 4th , Saul’s death opened the chance for another who wouldn’t otherwise have been included in Our Lord God’s line of blessing, specifically David.

5th , Saul’s death stopped an age of dissatisfaction and failure. Christ’s death finished an era of law and guilt, introducing a totally new arrangement based totally on grace. Sixth, and ultimately, Saul’s death displayed the foolishness of man. Christ’s death displayed, in human terms, the foolishness of Our Lord God. Thru the “foolishness” of Our Lord God’s plan, He brings to pass the amazing.

He is taking the preached word and He changes lives due to His Child’s death.