Great Awakening Tour City #46 Riverside CA | Jana Pauls Testimony

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At the nursing home, a man hit by a truck (was on the news) received Jesus. I prayed for his healing and he began to weep. A guy was in a coma, very young. As I prayed prayer over him, his eyes began to flutter. Today we went on the streets to homeless shelter and started witnessing to the homeless. One lady said she needed a ride to go somewhere, and so we took her and asked her where all the homeless hang out. We ended up at this library and there was homeless people everywhere. There was one group I saw and started witnessing to them. All of them had been on the streets for years and one girl that was 18 had been on the streets since she was 14. She accepted Jesus into her heart and they all said thank you so much and couldn’t believe that we would even talk to them. They said nobody ever does that. A Christian lady said she prayed to God to send someone to her because she had doubt in her heart. She rededicated her life, then later she followed me down the hall and asked me to lay hands on her. We came to a NH but it turns out to be the wrong one so we couldn’t get in. But there was a lady who sat outside. I walked up to her and she prayed to God to help her because she just got a call.

Jana Pauls
California United States