Rodney Howard Browne – Bill Testimony

At different stages of my life I have been the soil that is described in the parable. When I was young, I didn’t even know the word was being sown in my life and lived like as Pastor Rodney would say “Like a Heathen”.  At that time I was the roadside soil. As I got older I got into the rocky ground. I accepted the Word and wanted it to work for me but not being in the word as I should have been; when trouble came I fell away and went back to the way I was living before. I got married and started chasing money and success and got bills and mortgages and graduated to the thorny weeds soil. At each stage I was conscious of God and his will for me. I knew he wanted to see me do well. At each time I would start out with the best intentions and He being the gentleman He is, let me make my own choices. At that point, it led to my failure in business. I was full of pride.


Rodney Howard Browne – Zach Testimony

What I personally got from these messages. Is take hold of the word sown in your heart and allow  it to take root and flourish. Now if you heart is right and the ground is good.  It can produce a hundred fold return of the word sown. Also make sure to guard you heart and not let the enemy steal what has just been sown in good ground or you may get a 30 fold return or maybe 60. I have been at Revival Ministries International sitting under the teaching of the Word of God taught here by Pastor Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne, as well as in the Bible college; it’s totally off the  chain. WOW!!!


Rodney Howard Browne – Doris Testimony

Matt.13: In the parables of the seeds I discern where people in the word, believing the word and standing on the word are far more advanced than those who do not.  I would not want to live without the word of God.  Which, I believe, is why verses 12-15 explain why those who have received more in abundance. In the end of verse 15 it explains our receiving health and healing. In verse 20 & 21 receiving the word with joy but having no root, I believe, is because the word [seed] and prayer must go together. When both are not there, there is unfruitfulness. So prayer and the word would bring forth fruit.
Jer. 17: 7-9, so as the tree planted by waters, with roots in the river focused on Christ we should always be yielding good fruit.
As a teacher this morning said, “When the Lord has your heart, He has your money.” I smiled, as yesterday the Lord impressed me to pay for a couple’s books for this semester, as they are praying in all finances. This morning, before class the fruit of Love enabled me to bless the Mrs. with the book money. To God be the glory.  Also ‘Faith a fruit of revealing,’ became more real to me, as the Lord was dealing with me to come to R.B.I. for 9 to 10 months. I had been the only one who took my 3 great grand children to church. So when the precious Holy Spirit  made  real to me that I was not trusting Him with the children , I repented and it was impressed to me that I would regret the disobedience and it would also affect them. So the fruit of faith grew quickly, I packed my suitcase and left.  Needless to say I am hearing very encouraging reports from back home.
