Rodney Howard Browne – Denise P. Testimony

All that I depended on, my job, my finances, even the money I had in the bank didn’t mean anything to me anymore, and all I desired was to know Jesus more.  I had a set amount of money that was going to help me and my family while I attended bible college, but when I started school, I realized that I had to sow the money as seed, as the Holy Spirit directed me.  This was the only way to break free from believing that I was going to take care of myself and instead fully depend on God to be my source.  I had to leave the world’s system of operation and enter into the Kingdom’s system of operation.

Rodney Howard Browne tells us God has become my only source and I have realized that He is the only source I need for everything in this life.  I have such a sense of freedom, a release of many burdens, I know that I can trust God and have complete faith that He will open the right doors for me to work and do all that He sets before me.  He believes that i   have not lacked any good thing, all of my bills and responsibilities have been taken care of, God is able to provide in natural and super natural ways as we are obedient to where He leads us.

I thank God for this ministry; it is opening the door for so many to know Christ and to shake this world with the truth of the gospel.  I believe this is biblical prophecy being fulfilled….Denise P.