Rodney Howard Browne – Sarah P.

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Rodney Howard Browne says that serving in the outreach department at The River Church. It has been such a privilege to be a part of such a radical life changing ministry. This department is what runs the soul winning outreaches, Bible studies in the inner city and runs the bus ministry on Sunday morning. We do soul winning classes that train people within the local church to go out into a lost and dying world and give them the good news effectively by preaching the Word. Through that people have not only embraced the Lord as their Savior, but have been healed, delivered, and even baptized in the Holy Ghost.

According to Rodney Howard Browne people’s lives have been changed by God through an obedient soul winner who made an impact on someone’s life. In the Bible studies, they have held real revival meetings within the communities on a weekly basis. It has been awesome to see the Lord move within these communities and bring so much hope. People have been set free from poverty mentalities and have been brought to a new revelation of who they are in Christ. Then on Sunday morning they come on the buses to plug into church showered with God’s love.Thank you Rodney Howard Browne